GMACCC Members interviewed for “Shaping the Future”

16-24 August 2021 - "How Climate Change Intersects with Global Security" - Interview with Dr Chad Briggs and "Adaptation Critical to Our Global Climate Preparedness Strategy" - Interview with Alice Hill

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GMACCC Members Collaborate with other Climate and Security Experts in Recommendations to NATO ahead of 2021 Summit

Brussels, 30 April 2021 - Nine GMACCC members are among the 30 co-authors of the report on “Sustainable Peace & Security in a Changing Climate: Recommendations for NATO 2030” which was submitted today to NATO, as part of the NATO 2030 process - a forward-looking reflection to strengthen NATO's political dimension.

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NATO is responding to new challenges posed by climate change

Brussels, 1 April 2021 - An article by GMACCC's Rene Heise in NATO Review says that “The Allies are individually responsible for adapting to climate change, but the Alliance must also act collectively. It is urgent that NATO comprehensively recognises changes in environmental conditions, responds to climate change and adapts its capabilities. Climate change and extreme weather have significant military implications for NATO on the tactical, operational and military-strategic level.”

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Ottawa, 6 February 2021 - As one of the first to be interviewed, in the podcast episode "In the Shadows – What is climate security," by Rebecca Henrys, EDRC's policy director and co-coordinator of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD), Alexander Verbeek examined the security implication of climate change. "In the Shadows" facilitates discussions with experts on national security and intelligence topics related to current affairs.

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Washington D.C., 28 January 2021 - The US Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently published a podcast episode on "Climate Security: Bringing Climate into all Sectors” as part of the Theories of Change program, featuring GMACCC members, Alexander Verbeek.

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Strategic Conversation with Alice C Hill and Major General Muniruzzaman

Dhaka / Washington - 24 October 2020: In a recent discussion between BIPSS President Major General Muniruzzaman (Retd). and Alice C Hill, David M Rubenstein Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) key issues discussed included Indo Pacific Strategy, Sino-US relations, upcoming US Presidential elections, future of climate and national security, pandemics and future bio-threats, and energy transition.

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Climate and Security - Emerging Trends and Adaptive Strategies

Madrid, 11 December 2019 - GMACCC co-organized an event at the EU Pavilion at COP-25 on “Climate and Security - Emerging Trends and Adaptive Strategies” to explore current challenges and opportunities to address the climate-security nexus in LDCs, SIDS and associated territories.

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Interview with General Ghazi on How Reality Replaces Ideology & Climate Security Risk

Madrid, 16 December 2019 - Speaking at a panel discussion with global security experts, co-hosted by the Institute for Environmental Global Security at COP25, Lieutenant General Tariq Waseem Ghazi (Ret.) highlighted the role of military forces, how that role could evolve positively and how climate change can also lead to conflict if resource scarcity is not managed properly.

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The Security Implications of Emerging Climate Altering Technologies

Brussels, 23 October 2019 - Several GMACCC members were among the speakers and participants at an international seminar on dealing with scientific, governance and security issues surrounding the associated with the potential use of geoengineering to address climate change.

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The Climate-Security Nexus: Implications for the Military

Brussels, 24 October 2019 - GMACCC members played a leading role in the conference on The Climate-Security Nexus: Implications for the Military: Installations – Operations – Personnel in Brussels on 24 October 2019.

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