Francisco Tuñez

Francisco Tuñez has been specializing in Geopolitics of Climate Change and due to the current World-System Order and its limitations, has been researching and lecturing about the need of rethinking geopolitics due to the Global Environmental Change in general and Climate Change in particular. His interest and motivation as an analyst, teacher and advisor are related to main axes of analysis: Regional, Antarctic and Climate Change geopolitics, Climate change effects, and Transition towards sustainability via new technologies development. 

He has 14 years of experience as an advisor in international relations in the Argentine National State (2006-2020) in different jurisdictional levels: as Junior International Analyst, in the Argentinian Air Force, as Senior International Analyst at the Ministry of Defence and finally as Deputy director of strategic analysis in the Headquarters of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

Francisco is PhD candidate in Global Studies at the Universidad del Salvador (USAL - Buenos Aires) -and Humboldt-Universität (HU - Berlin) with a focus on Global Inequalities, Sustainability and social transformation in the Anthropocene and Global Governance in a context of uncertainty. He is also a member and project manager of the climate change research area of the Center for International Policy Studies (CEPI) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). His on-line lectures include "Geopolitics of Climate Change" and “Introduction to Governance of the Polar Regions”.   He is also an Associate Researcher of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) where he co-authored the paper “Antarctica’s Gateways and Gatekeepers: Polar scenarios in a polarising Anthropocene” The Anthropocene Review, 20 June 2021.

He is co-founder of the consulting firm Soluciones Sostenibles from which innovation in governance is promoted for a world in transition. There he works as a freelance academic lecturer, teacher, analyst of the international scene and consultant through conferences, workshops and courses (English and Spanish) in various Argentine and regional universities, consulting firms and NGOs related sustainability matters. He advocates for the advancement of global society towards a sustainable World-System, acting locally in spreading environmental awareness of the abrupt changes we are heading as a whole, and promoting a more open and just political system and transition to a circular economy.

Individual Members of GMACCC serve in their personal capacity and not as representatives of their respective organisations.